Skin care tips and advice, scientific facts about skin and cosmetics, ingredient research and so much more in Dr Tiina Meder's Blog. Why acne happens? How best to treat rosacea? Is there anything we can do about aging skin? What to do about pigmentation? Everything you wanted to know about caring for your skin at any age, choosing the right skincare regiment and living comfortably in your own skin.

Micocurrent Therapy and Facials: New Partnership with 7E Wellness — MyoLift™

New exciting chapter for Meder by Dr Tiina Meder — a partnership with 7E Wellness, the creators of MyoLift™. Experience microcurrent therapy with Meder sheet masks — a perfect combination! 

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Skin Care

Exfoliation advice from skin expert
Micocurrent Therapy and Facials: New Partnership with 7E Wellness — MyoLift™
Pigmentation types, causes and treatment strategies by Dr Meder


Why Do We Need Retinol Alternative Skincare
Mineral Oil for Skin
Centella Asiatica for Healthier Skin: Benefits and Uses

Meder Skincare

Biological exfoliation
Why Switch To A Natural Deodorant?
International Women's Day
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